Speed SOS
Speed SOS: How to Build Virtual Team Members Using Automations...
Persuasion SOS
CLOSED - Finally, automate the creation of a market's CUSTOMER...
Growth SOS PLUS Permanent Upgrade Bundle (Tracking, Techie & Finance SOS)
Take your business to the next level, with advanced growth...
Growth SOS
Take your business to the next level, with advanced growth...
Permanent Upgrade Bundle – Tracking, Techie & Finance SOS
The skills 95% of Business owners lack are: Techie Know...
Finance SOS
Mastering Growth & Cash Flow in your business is difference...
Techie SOS
It's a common problem. Where most entrepreneurs and owners hit...
Tracking SOS
What's the cost of NOT sending tracking signals to Google...
Introduction to LeadsHook
Goal of this Course... At the end of this short...
DRIP Magic
This course teaches you to firing 'just-in-time' communications such...
This course presents each lesson as a self-contained marketing strategy...
Individualised Marketing - Using the Full Power of LeadsHook
This course is for advanced users....
Create Personalised Interactive Customer Experiences in Under 1-Hour (Even If You Don't Know Anything)
Create Personalised Interactive Customer Experiences in Under 1-Hour (Even If...
The Ultimate Interactive Personalised Marketing Course
Training about how to use LeadsHook. You'll learn... * How to plan...
Getting a rock-solid foundation for success
Are you being setup for failure?
We have asked ourselves this question more frequently than any other at LeadsHook. Why do some of clients create a campaign that generates thousands of leads per day while others continue to struggle to get even one campaign off the ground?
One unique characteristic of high performers is their knowledge and expertise in a few areas of business! So it seems that we truly are as weak as our own weakest link.
Think of this as our very own escape velocity…
One of the greatest challenges to space travel is earth’s own gravity. In order to ‘exit’ earth’s hold on us, we need to reach a speed of 40,000 km (25,000 miles) per hour. But it’s not just sheer power and force… thousands of other decisions such as having structural integrity of the space crafts and navigation.
Our knowledge and expertise is our very own space craft… we need competency in a number of areas to hit escape velocity.
And this is main reason for the Fundamental Series. It’s to give provide you with a solid foundation in a number of areas which we have discovered are necessary to reach escape velocity.
Here are the 6 areas of fundamentals of online business:
MANAGEMENT: The most important decision in business
How to get a high performance team — Understanding insourcing...
FINANCE: Understanding the drivers of value in your business
When you must make losses to make profits!...
SYSTEMISATION: Understanding the enemy
The inescapable link between high growth and systemisation — How...
TECHNICAL: Detangling analytics and tracking
How to tell when you get statistically significant nonsense —...
MARKETING: The second most important decision in business
How to manufacture persuasion — Why split-testing will not help...
PERSONAL GROWTH: Managing oneself
How to play the ‘long’ game — Why are we...